March 2022 - Sitting in a cafe above Hemel Hempstead indoor ski centre designing the first version of the NEC t-shirt. Resisting the urge to order a coffee at 9pm, as I know coffee after 2pm for me is a no no, while watching my girlfriend learn how to ski for our upcoming holiday. Reminiscing on a conversation I had on instagram with a friend/stylist (@charlottemalleystylist) back in February 2018 about having an idea for a collection that's 'never ending'. 4 years on and I was still playing mental gymnastics in my mind on how I can make it work and keep it in theme with the brand. Knowing the first 'BASICS' roll out was starting in just a couple weeks time and that would take me up to the end of the year.

'FLAT VARSITY' was already in early production at this point and was planned to be 'BASICS 2.0'. A second iteration of the 'BASICS' collection with a release planned of early 2023. But the idea of 'BASICS' changing its core design every year just wasn't sitting right with me. Especially when I had already designed and sampled the 'ARC' design on various other silhouettes (that are yet to see the light of day) that I wanted to release eventually. I wasn't ready to just move on from that design as I knew people liked the simplicity of the product and was receiving dm's weekly asking about additional colour ways. 

It wasn't until the third t-shirt drop from the 'ARC' collection until I realised this collection, 'BASICS', was the perfect start for the never ending idea I had.

I wanted to create a collection that is, in a way, never finished. Open for me to add new designs, new colour ways of old designs & restocks from sold out designs whenever I felt like it. It didn't need to be seasonal or in keeping with a fashion calendar. It was, in a sense, endless. Which leads into the other major point I wanted from this collection - to create product that can live on. Something that can be handed down to others and while keeping the quality and meaning throughout different generations. Truly endless in all aspects.

'BASICS' was the trunk of the tree, as such, with 'ARC', 'FLAT VARSITY' & 'NEC' each being their own branch from the trunk. The different colourways in each collection being the leaves. Probably the weirdest definition you'll read today but it makes sense, so fuck it.

Fast forward to today, June 2024, 'BASICS' already has two branches, and on Thursday 27.06.24 there will be a solid third.

While I have already dabbled into 'NEC' with the trucker cap last year, this t-shirt still feels like the start of 'NEC' for me. A new design that I'm super excited to put to use on many more silhouettes. But first, a completely new shape of t-shirt. A completely new process of manufacturing. New printers. New labels. Everything has been modernised, while still keeping in line with the 'BASICS' core values. Combining comfort and quality at the highest level we can.

I believe this has been achieved with this new t-shirt and I'm excited to see the response.

'ARC' & 'FLAT VARSITY' will be back, but for now 'NEC' takes the limelight in the never ending collection.






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